domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


The Loftus and Palmer Experiment:
-The experiment was designed to prove that long-term memory could be influenced by leading questions as well as the motivation to give the questioner the answer he/she is looking for.
-A group of college students were chosen as subjects. They were shown a video of a car collision and then handed a paper with a single question asking the speed approximation of the car. What they didn’t know is that the questions handed randomly varied in verbs. The verb’s ranged between strong and not as strong, this was meant to influence the speed average given by the participant.
-The outcome proved the hypothesis right. The highest speed approximation matched the strongest verb and the lowest approximation matched the least powerful verb. The result helped understand that leading questions in a courtroom could affect the eyewitnesses memory of the event. 

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010




-       The Christian Catholic religion strictly forbids the taking of a life by human hands. This includes assisted suicide. Even if the sickness is terminal (which is a demand of the euthanasia process), only God can take the decision as if to when the person shall die and how.

-       Secular humanism states that under the conditions of a terminal disease or extreme suffering, a persons “quality” of life decreases causing the person a great level of discontent. With contentment or happiness as the standard, some lives are deemed to have such low quality that it is reasonable to prefer death.

-       The US currently doesn’t adapt euthanasia nation wide like Netherlands and Belgium. They have decided to take the matter state by state because an exact guideline is needed to make the process useful without violating human rights or involving murder. For example the term of euthanasia, when and how it applies, to whom it applies and how the procedure will take place.

I believe euthanasia should be applied around the world when the patient falls under the conditions. Whether its voluntary that the person choses the procedure, or involuntary when the person is in no conditions to continue living or chose their future. If the disease is terminal and a lot of suffering is implied why ignore a patients dying wish and make him/her endure pain during their last instances in this world?